Make Your Game! =============== This section contains all you need to get started making games. **If you're new to JavaMon, start by looking at** :doc:`guides/assets/main` **and** :doc:`guides/editor/main`, in that order. **Most designers will never need to work with Java source code.** Your world can be created solely through Lua scripts and the bundled JavaMon editor. However, in those rare instances where you *do* need to edit some Java, take a look at the :doc:`developers` first (especially :doc:`developers/standards`). .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents guides/assets/main guides/battle/main guides/credits guides/cutscene/main guides/dialogue/main guides/diseases guides/hooks/main guides/graphics guides/map/main guides/mail guides/music/main guides/particles/main guides/stats/main guides/sprites/main guides/quest/main guides/lua/main guides/textures/main guides/editor/main guides/world/main